Recommendation Systems
Jesús Bobadilla, Fernando Ortega, Abraham Gutiérrez, Santiago Alonso (2020). "Classification-based Deep Neural Network Architecture for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6, issue Special Issue on Soft Computing, no. 1, pp. 68-77. |
Jesús Bobadilla, Abraham Gutiérrez, Santiago Alonso, Remigio Hurtado (2020). "A Collaborative Filtering Probabilistic Approach for Recommendation to Large Homogeneous and Automatically Detected Groups", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6, issue Regular Issue, no. 2, pp. 11. |
Noria Taghezout, Fatima Zohra Benkaddour, Fatima Zahra Kaddour-Ahmed, Ilyes-Ahmed Hammadi (2018). "An Adapted Approach for User Profiling in a Recommendation System: Application to Industrial Diagnosis", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, issue Regular Issue, no. 3, pp. 118-130. |
Héctor Cordobés, Antonio Fernández Anta, Luis Chiroque, Fernando Pérez, Agustín Santos, Rafael García Leiva, Philippe Morere, Lorenzo Ornella (2015). "Empirical Comparison of Graph-based Recommendation Engines for an Apps Ecosystem", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, issue Special Issue on Digital Economy, no. 2, pp. 33-39. |
Daniel Burgos, Alberto Corbi Bellot (2014). "Review of Current Student-Monitoring Techniques used in eLearning-Focused recommender Systems and Learning analytics. The Experience API & LIME model Case Study", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2, issue Special Issue on Multisensor User Tracking and Analytics to Improve Education and other Application Fields, no. 7, pp. 44-52. |
Paula Rodríguez, Valentina Tabares, Néstor Duque, Demetrio Ovalle, Rosa Vicari (2013). "BROA: An agent-based model to recommend relevant Learning Objects from Repository Federations adapted to learner profile", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2, issue Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Social Application, no. 1, pp. 6-11. |
Elisa Boff, Berni Reategui (2013). "Mining Social and Affective Data for Recommendation of Student Tutors", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2, issue Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Social Application, no. 1, pp. 32-38. |
Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, G Infante-Hernandez, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marín, Edward Núñez-Valdez, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez (2011). "Social Voting Techniques: A Comparison of the Methods Used for Explicit Feedback in Recommendation Systems", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, issue Special Issue on Computer Science and Software Engineering, no. 4, pp. 61-66. |
Rubén González-Crespo, Enrique Torres-Franco, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez (2009). "Using Recommendation System for E-learning Environments at degree level", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, issue Special Issue on Business Intelligence and Semantic Web, no. 2, pp. 67-70. |