@article{2995, keywords = {Artificial Intelligence, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Mosquitoes Classification, A Priori Probability, Bayes’ Rule}, author = {Jaehoon Kim and Jeongkyu Oh and Tae-Young Heo}, title = {Acoustic Classification of Mosquitoes using Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Activity Circadian Rhythm Information}, abstract = {Many researchers have used sound sensors to record audio data from insects, and used these data as inputs of machine learning algorithms to classify insect species. In image classification, the convolutional neural network (CNN), a well-known deep learning algorithm, achieves better performance than any other machine learning algorithm. This performance is affected by the characteristics of the convolution filter (ConvFilter) learned inside the network. Furthermore, CNN performs well in sound classification. Unlike image classification, however, there is little research on suitable ConvFilters for sound classification. Therefore, we compare the performances of three convolution filters, 1D-ConvFilter, 3×1 2D-ConvFilter, and 3×3 2D-ConvFilter, in two different network configurations, when classifying mosquitoes using audio data. In insect sound classification, most machine learning researchers use only audio data as input. However, a classification model, which combines other information such as activity circadian rhythm, should intuitively yield improved classification results. To utilize such relevant additional information, we propose a method that defines this information as a priori probabilities and combines them with CNN outputs. Of the networks, VGG13 with 3×3 2D-ConvFilter showed the best performance in classifying mosquito species, with an accuracy of 80.8%. Moreover, adding activity circadian rhythm information to the networks showed an average performance improvement of 5.5%. The VGG13 network with 1D-ConvFilter achieved the highest accuracy of 85.7% with the additional activity circadian rhythm information.}, year = {2021}, journal = {International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {59-65}, month = {12/2021}, issn = {1989-1660}, url = {https://www.ijimai.org/journal/sites/default/files/2021-11/ijimai7_2_6_0.pdf}, doi = {10.9781/ijimai.2021.08.009}, }